
The Greatest Saint of Modern Times

St. Therese had an infatuation with snow.   It reminded her of purity.   It reminded her of herself.
She didn't have a media propaganda machine contriving loudly chanted logans that nev-
er came from the heart.   Instead, she was a devoteé of the Sacred Heart, interacting with
the most intimate mysteries of  Divine Mercy.   She was never published in the pages of
any literary anthology during her lifetime.   Yet, she wrote poetry that will bring tears to
the eyes of anyone not as lifeless as stone.   In fact, this young woman's autobiography
was published two years after her death, and her writings are now part of the legacy left
behind by the greatest saints thus far produced by the same church which recently pro-
duced some of  humanity's greatest devils.

She was born in Normandy France, in 1873.  She next entered religious life in 1888.
She then entered eternity on September 30, 1897.   Her name was Thérèse Martin.
In religious life she was Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.   Devoted
intelligentsia know her as Thérèse of Lisieux.

She was a Carmelite nun who died from tuberculosis at
the age of 24.  This translates into a compacted volume
of wisdom left behind, in written form.   She left behind
deeply anchored insights which carried within themselves
paradoxical weightlessness.   Now, the maturity level of
her texts, coupled with the poetic timbre within the same,
provides evidence that she was a saint of the most stellar
magnitude.   However, she was down to earth, knowing
that the stars for which poets and dreamers reach are
arrayed throughout the universe within each one of us.

She belongs in the Hall of the Lionhearted, as does Saint Bernadette Soubirous, due
to the sufferings that she endured through tuberculosis, as well as through the suffer-
ings rendered when she learned of her father's illness.   Yet, she identified herself as
a little flower inconspicuously placed in the garden of Our Lady.   However, she has
been more like the mystical hummingbird who intensifies the color of the flowers that
she has been visiting since her death.   The other flowers, incidentally, are defined as
other members of humanity who sometimes learned of her without searching for her. 

2 - The Way of Littleness Easily Fits through the Gates of Heaven

She proceeded through life on the premise that doing little things with great love results
in great sanctity.   She once wrote that the saints can soar to the lofts of contemplation,
as if to be eagles, but that she would go about fluttering her little wings.   Her way is
much like the way of the 18th century Franciscan saint, Francis Pontillo, originator of
the way of littleness.   This is not unusual, being that history has shown cosmic alliances
between the ancient Carmelite order and the Franciscan order prophesied by Francis
of Assisi to be one destined to endure until the end of the world.

Even though she is the saint of the little way, the greatest secret in her estimation is that
the greatest saints, upon death, don't go through a judgment procedure, but rather en-
ter into an abyss of Divine Mercy.  Embracing the Mercy of God comprised the way
of Thérèse.   Of course, mercy never comes to the merciless, so Thérèse knew that
she had to transform into mercy itself, so that mercy could be her endless possession.

Thérèse lived the reality that the mystery of love is that of transforming into the object
of your love.   Thérèse's love was mercy, and her transforming acts of mercy consist-
ed in praying for others, offering her pains for the eternal destinies of others, heroically
enduring her pains, and enduring the faults of others equally as heroically.   The life of
Saint Thérèse makes for a good compass when you get lost in life, forgetting how to
conduct yourself in controversial and stressful situations. 

3 - Popularity Without Any Madison Avenue Fanfare

The fact that the Little Flower rose to prominence without media propaganda in her
lifetime is the evidence needed to show that nothing about her is fake.   In fact, there
are things about Thérèse that the vain, pompous, and pampered can neither feel nor
comprehend.   She suffered intensely, and she made suffering sacramental.   In fact,
the fruits of her sufferings manifested themselves after her death, in miracles and even
visions given to certain nuns.   Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus is a testimony to the
Gospel truth that the last shall be first and the first shall be last.  

A certain newspaper columnist who can be identified as a member of the non-cosmic
and heavily pampered Vatican II church called Thérèse God's cheerleader, as if this
Carmelite saint were nothing more than a frivolous air head.   This columnist called the
proven miracle worker a mere cheerleader as if the pampered columnist were the in-
tensely cosmic one who heroically fought the battle between Heaven and Hell.   Such
profane writing is, of course, a legacy of the Vatican II church ---  a church marked
by the repeated desecration of the altar, the ensuing desecration of the altar boy, the
compromise of cowards, and the emergent doctrine of kissy-pooism.   The more that
a pampered member of the modern church writes on the Little Flower the more the
pampered writer ends up blaspheming the eternally mystical God.

4 - The Prophetic Thérèse

Thérèse served in the Carmel of Lisieux with two of her sisters.   One was the prior-
ess of the community.  On her death bed, Thérèse told her sister, Celine, to publish
her autobiography "immediately, or else the Devil will make sport of it."   When
asked if it will bring benefit, the Little Flower said, "It will benefit everyone, except
those with exotic tastes."   She was prophetically correct.

Thérèse once wrote that she had to win the palm branch of Saint Agnes, and if she
couldn't win it with her blood, then she would win it with her love.   Now, the palm
branch of Saint Agnes is symbolic of martyrdom, and a number of holy cards depic-
ting virgin martyrs have them holding a palm branch.   When Thérèse was exhumed,
her palm branch was uncorrupted.  Therefore, in 1910, when the body was first ex-
humed, Heaven spoke through a miracle.   The 19th Century palm branch that was
buried with Thérèse went uncorrupted for 13 years under the ground.   In 1910, it
was as freshly green as it was in 1897.  In fact, it was as freshly green going into the
21st Century.   See:

The Little Flower once spoke to a fellow Carmelite nun on the importance of praying
for priests, mentioning it with a notable intonation of urgency.   Thérèse stressed the
importance of praying for priests, and we see what happened to the priesthood dur-
ing the decades of the 20th Century, when the majority of western humanity stopped
including prayer in their daily and nightly lives.   The result of not praying for priests
was a devastation that exceeded the destructive capacity of a nuclear arsenal.   The
words of the Little Flower turned out to be prophetic. 
 The Cause for Her Canonization

The greatest champion in the cause of the
Little Flower's canonization was Scottish
priest, Fr. Thomas Nimmo Taylor.   At the
least, he was the one most moved by her
writings.   While visiting the convent where
Thérèse was stationed, the prioress said to
him,  "You might as well canonize every 
nun here."   Thérèse was an unknown even
among her own, despite a death which result-
ed in the instantaneous healing of one of the
nuns present.   In fact, when she was dying
(and the Carmelites were gathered around
her),  the sister in charge of convent public
relations asked what she was to write about
young Thérèse, in the notice of her death. 

During her death, she stated, "I had no idea that a person could suffer so much."
She also stated things such as, "Yes, be patient."   "Why would I want to suffer
any less?"   At the end, she was heard saying, "Oh, I how I love him."   She then
sunk into death, as if it were her end.   Then suddenly, she sat up quickly, with a look
of exhilarated surprise, as she looked upward at the statue of the Virgin Mary associ-
ated with her childhood healing.   She then died.   Just as instantly did a nun present
become immediately cured of a serious illness.   Going by memory, it was a statue of
Our Lady of Victory present at the Little Flower's death.

The writings of the Little Flower revealed a lot.   The miracles attributed to her and
the visions of her revealed even more.   The writings of  Thérèse of Lisieux were not
destined to be consigned to dust-ridden shelves.   Rather, a following of humanity in
love with her way ensued.   In fact, it was two years before her canonization when
the Society of the Little Flower was established.   It's mission is to make Thérèse of
Lisieux known and loved far beyond the confines of her native France.   It's mission
is to also help in the training of Carmelite seminarians, among other things.   In fact,  
the Circle of Roses Giving Program helps the Carmelite order in general.

It's important to point out that the Carmelite order is amongst the oldest in the church,
with a roll call of doctors of the church.   Thus, it's a time-tested order that can easily
undo the evils found to have been done by certain religious orders that were founded
in the 20th Century.   When in doubt, go Carmelite and save the church.

On May 3rd, 1944, Pope Piux XII named the Little Flower co-patroness of France.
Thirty-four days after she was commissioned France's patroness, the successful allied
invasion of France transpired.   Seventy-nine days later came the Liberation of Paris.
This saint has been known to work quickly.   The only problem is when people don't
petition her for her intercession.   If you don't ask her to pray for you, and if you don't
ask to unite your praying to hers, she can do nothing.

Being that it's mission is to ultimately inspire others to be like Saint Thérèse, the mis-
sion of the Little Flower Society is to actually make the world a better place, as well
as making Heaven more populated.  Being that the church has been overrun by those
void of a conscience, the mission has become more demanding.   Now, there are ap-
proximately 500,000 active members, at present.   However,  Faith, Hope, and Love
have been laid waste throughout a scandal-ridden and sodomized church.   Therefore,
humanity needs the Little Flower more now than ever before, and the Society  of the
Little Flower needs to work overtime.   So, feel free to become a hero and join, or
else join and then become a hero.   Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, as she is known
in America, will help you through your training wheels stage, if you are a beginner.

Through the Little Flower's Society, you can enlist yourself and others in Mass enroll-
ments, for stipends (donations) as little as $5.00.  In fact, you can enroll electronically,
becoming a beneficiary of Carmelite Masses, prayers, and good works.   Having the
showering droplets of the Little Flower's protection is then what you need to reflect
on, after becoming an enrolled member of the society.   If you remember that you're
under the umbrella of her protection, it will keep you from doing something regretful
during stressful times.   Let the Little Flower into your world, so that she can either
save it or save the worlds of those near you.   For starters, you can learn about the
Society of the Little Flower by going to:

Whenever writing about the Little Flower, it's always wise to finish by stating, "to be 
continued."   This is because the Little Flower will continue the conversation in one
way of another.  Become the beneficiary of what she is willing to give you --- herself. 

            In America                         In Canada                      In Great Britain

Society of the Little Flower    Society of the Little Flower    Society of the Little Flower
    1313 Frontage Road             7021 Stanley Avenue             West Suite, 2nd Floor
    Darien, Illinois   60561           Niagra Falls, Ontario       Barclays House, 51 Bishopric
                                                 L2G 7B7                         Horshan, RH12 IQJ, England

Phone: (630) 968-9400               (800) 922-7622                      01403 274242  
           (800) 621-2806

FAX: (630) 968-9542                (904) 356-6733                       01403 274242                                          