it to be a devotion for illiterate women and children, but not for lofty minds.
Well, the sacred scripture reads: "Out of the mouths of babes come perfect
praise." The Rosary can very much be a bringer of Wisdom - - - of Wisdom
radiated to you from Heaven.
Mary says, "And I present to you my son ..." |
You don't go to it, as if it's an impersonal
force field that you can reach with the help
of a cosmic map. The experience of being
in her realm is very personal. In fact, the
Realm of the Virgin Mary is like a sapphire
dome room, where:
1} Sapphire is the symbolic color of Heaven
that exists in the depth of Mary's soul as much
as it exists throughout the expanse of angels &
saints. 2} Dome is symbolic of Mary's Queen-
ship over the angelic world and all of humanity.
3} Room is symbolic of the intimate rapport that
she has with her devotees.
Mary's sapphire dome room is symbolic of the state of purification achieved through
devotion to the Rosary. This is because, when the state is achieved, you intensely
feel the sense of Mary's presence which is Heavenly. In Jewish tradition, Heaven
is associated with the color blue, as in blue sky.
In the black Protestant world, blue is associated with circulation cut-off and the lack
of oxygen, thusly giving us a 1,4,5 music progression called the Blues. In the Catho-
lic world, blue is oxygen, flight, and freedom to soar. Blue is life-giving water and
the color one associates with Mary. It's a beautiful color, not to be presented as ugly
by a Protestantism which tossed out mysticism and majesty. The Virgin Mary is
majestic. To state otherwise is a lie.
The interesting thing about finding yourself in Mary's Sapphire Dome Room is that
you will feel at home, as if you were always destined to be there. It's there where
you will feel a casual rapport with her, in the midst of a beauty that fits you like a
perfect set of garments. It's there where you will be fluent in understanding and
articulate in communication. The surest way to gain entrance into the Realm of
Heaven's mysticism is, of course, via praying the Rosary or any Rosary-like de-
Let it be repeated:
If you want graces that are confided to no other people on Planet Earth, pray the
Rosary. The Rosary is what can enlighten scholars, the illiterate, and children
simultaneously. Very simply, the Rosary consists in meditating on the various
events in the lives of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph while praying the Our Father and
Hail Mary. Thus, the Rosary consists in vocal prayer and meditative prayer si-
If you despise the Rosary, you are simply too lazy to mingle vocal & meditative
prayer simultaneously. Everyone who began the Rosary had trouble juxtapostion-
ing the two types of prayer. This is due to the effect of Original Sin in us. It's just
that some people had the patience and humility to persevere in the Rosary and over-
come the lack of spiritual gymnastics which comes with the effect of Original Sin.
Ironically, some individuals who begin a devotion to the Rosary experience the
most mystical lights instantly. But, it had nothing to do with them, except for a
thing. They made their bodies sensitive via modern mortifications. Modern morti-
fications are known as Work-outs, as in Weight Lifting, Spurt Training, Basketball,
vigorous ice skating, gymnastics, Self-defense training, long distance jogging, and
similar types of athletic training, as well as regimented dieting and/or fasting of any
variety. It was graces bestowed upon them which resulted in them being so moved
that they returned to the Rosary, for more of the same. If you did experience mysti-
cal intensity when you first started a devotion to the Rosary, know that it was Mary,
paying you an advance.
At this point, it is absolutely essential to understand one universal truth: You can do
nothing without the grace of God. Now, Catholics believe that Jesus of Nazareth is
God-made-man. Thus, Catholics believe that, without Christ, a person can do no-
thing good. Thus, if you bear fruit in prayer, its the grace of God making it happen.
One danger in having gotten consoling lights at the start of a Rosary devotion is the
spiritual dryness stage .... the arid stage ... a stage to which Saint Teresa of Avila was
so familiar. When that stage comes ... and it is only temporary ... Faith alone suffices.
This means that, when you meditate on each mystery of the Rosary, and you are no
longer being moved as you were at the beginning of your devotion, simply think to
yourself, "This mystery really happened."
![]() |
Whereas Jesus was born in the poverty of Bethlehem, he is born in the poverty of your heart. He doesn't mind. |
The Rosary's Beginning
The present Rosary traces itself back to St. Dominic, in the early 13th Century,
during the days of Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi, and Anthony of Padua. In
fact, it's predecessor was the ancient prayer rope used by monks, in repetitively
reciting either the Jesus prayer or the Hail Mary.
Now, as far as goes today's Rosary of the Virgin Mary, this devotion started when
Dominic performed a three day Category 5 hurricane-style penance, done solely
for the conversion of the Albigensians. He then allegedly went unconscious, in
the process. According to Saint Louis of Montfort, when Mary appeared to Saint
Dominic, she said to the effect:
"Dominic, you are trying to cultivate where no rain has been sent. In this
type of warfare, the effective weapon has always been my Angelic Psalter."
The Angelic Psalter is the Hail Mary prayed a number of times in succession, and
an individual Hail Mary is known as the Angelic Salutation. Mary once told Saint
Dominic that the Angelic Salutation is the cornerstone of the New Testament. This
is logical, being that the New Testament's starting point was when the Archangel
Gabriel appeared to Mary and said, "Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with you.
You are blessed among women." The New Testament then went to its next step
when, after a long journey, Mary entered the house of her cousin Elizabeth, only to
hear her cousin say, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of
your womb."
The Hail Mary commemorates the two initial events of the New Testament. There-
fore, only an avowed liar filled with hatred toward Mary would have the audacity
to claim that the Rosary is a non-Biblical pagan devotion, as many have done in the
past several decades. In fact, John Paul II called the Rosary "the Gospel in Mini-
ature." Thus, the Rosary is very Biblical. Moreover, a number of Successors of
Peter had only had good things to say about the Rosary, even to the point of advo-
cating it as a devotion.
The Rosary is the simultaneous mixture of verbal prayer and meditative prayer.
The subjects of the Rosary meditation are the events surrounding the incarnation,
life, sufferings, death, resurrection, and glorification of Jesus, as well as the glor-
ification of his mother Mary.
The Verbal Part of the Rosary
The Rosary is usually preceded by first praying the Apostle's Creed. Now, this
prayer is actually a prayer of simple (non-ritual and non-possession-related) ex-
orcism, being that it's spoken during baptism. Praying it deflates Satan's influence
on your senses, being that it renews the power of baptism over Satan and his seeth-
ing minions.
Next is the praying of one Our Father, followed by three Hail Mary's. This occurs
before the meditative part of the Rosary. Concerning the three Hail Mary's, it was
revealed to Saint Gertrude the Great, while she was mystically being shown a fleur
de lys, that:
1} Except for God the Father, no one has the power that Mary was given.
2} Except for God the Son, no one has as much wisdom as she does.
3} Except for the Holy Spirit, no one is as kind as Mary.
The guarantee Mary gave to Gertrude was that those who pray three Hail Mary's
daily, in honor of the privileges granted to her by the Trinity, would see Mary at
the hour of death in an extraordinary splendor that will fill the dying soul with
heavenly consolation. Such a thing will prevent a soul from succumbing to de-
spair during its last hour on earth.
After the three Hail Mary's, one prays a Simple Doxology. That's the Glory-be,
as in Glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as it was in beginning, is
now, and forever shall be, world without end. Amen.
You can even pray the Trappist monk version as follows: Glory be to the Fath-
er and to the Son and to the Spirit who dwells within. The God who is, who
was, and who is to come.
You can even try this version: Glory, praise, and thanksgiving be to the Fath-
er of Heaven, the Son of the Most High, and to the Spirit who dwells within.
As it was before the beginning began, is now, and forever shall be; the Reign
of Endless Ages. Amen.
Next comes the original Rosary:
Traditionally, beads are used. However, they are not essential. When beads are
used, however, one Our Father and Ten Hail Marys are prayed while meditating
on each individual Rosary mystery brought into prayer. There are five joyous mys-
teries, five illuminative ones, five sorrowful mysteries, and five glorious ones. In
fact, Carmelites have six joyous, six sorrowful, and six glorious mysteries in their
Rosary. These meditations are the essence of the Rosary. Even if you forgo the
praying of the Angelic Psalter (the Hail Mary's), you will still be engaged in pray-
er. However, the verbal part of the Rosary helps to sanctify and even cleanse your
outer senses.
If you only have time to pray one decade of the Rosary, then you did your best, and
will have grace radiated to you in one way or another. That is to say, you don't have
to pray all five decades at once. Moreover, the closer to God (in contemplation) a
person gets, the longer it will take the person to pray a decade of the Rosary. It will
even get to the point where the contemplative person's praying of one decade of the
Rosary will take as long as a basic person praying three of them. Whereas the aver-
age person takes 15 minutes to pray five decades, the contemplative person will take
45 to 60 minutes, in doing the same. Sometimes 90 minutes, depending on the person.
Keep in mind that members of a certain religious persuasion claim that the Rosary is
a non-Biblical thing of Satan, even though the Our Father and the first half of the Hail
Mary are in the Bible. Now, view the mysteries of the Rosary posted below. The
vast majority of them are mentioned in the Bible. The bottom line is that those who
claim that the Rosary is a non-biblical anti-Christ devotion of pagan idolatry are one
of the following things:
1} Filled with laziness, 2} Filled with envy toward Mary, 3} Carry an evil view
of women and don't believe that any woman could be holy, 4} Are in synchronicity
with Satan's feelings of despair and despondency, assuming that the Rosary causes
those feelings. However, those who condemn the Rosary under the claim that it's a
non-biblical act of idolatry are easily provable liars. The Hail Mary prayer is from
the Bible, as are 18 of the 20 mysteries of the Rosary.
People who want nothing to do with the Rosary are those who have trouble simul-
taneously being engaged in verbal and meditative prayer. They usually say that their
minds wander. Well, even in verbal prayer a human mind conceived in the state of
original sin wanders. In class, minds wander, too. Does that mean no one should
ever be in class? Does that mean that everyone should remain stupid? Well, as you
continue the Rosary, if you continue it, praying it gets more streamlined.
A detriment to devotion to the Rosary for some is mood. If you pray the Rosary on-
ly when in the mood, you are missing out on seeing a wide and then deep view with-
in you. Our Lady or the angels will get you in the mood, shortly after you start the
Rosary. What they do is open an ambiance, and you find yourself in a rhythm.
Those Events Really Happened
In the Rosary devotion, there is the dry stage. It's at that point when you need to do
the following: Whenever you have trouble meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary,
state in silence the following during each mystery: "This really happened." If that
is all you do for the meditative part of the Rosary, then you have prayed. You were
there in attendance. You recalled at least one mystery. You believed that each event
really happened. This includes the Annunciation, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection,
the Ascension, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, etc. This is what St. Paul meant when
he said, "Faith alone suffices." You need not have any colorful emotionality or ex-
quisite intellectuality when praying. You only need the faith which believes that the
events remembered in the Rosary actually happened.
The Events Combined is the Manifestation of the Love of God
The Secret of the Rosary is this: If each event of the Rosary happened at the same
time, you would see the complete spectrum of the Love of God being unleashed in
all of its attributes. In each mystery God is unveiling and actualizing Divine Love
in the world of time and space.
At the end of each mystery, traditionally prayed is one Glory Be (one simple doxo-
logy.) It is suspected that Louis of Montfort began that practice. Well, at Fatima,
the Virgin Mary told us to pray the following after each decade of the Rosary:
My Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us from the fire of Hell.
Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy.
In review, either go the contemplative route of praying Angelic Salutations at will,
while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, or use blessed beads and pray one
Our Father, ten Hail Mary's, and the Fatima Decade Prayer posted above, while
meditating on a mystery of the Rosary, every ten Hail Mary's.
Below is the list of the Mysteries of the Rosary. After that comes brief mention of
Rosary-like Devotions:
Joyous Mysteries
1} The Annunciation. This was when the Archangel Gabriel informed Mary that
she was to bear a son who would be called Son of the Most High and Son of
God. This means that the Annunciation marked the first time in history when
the existence of the Holy Trinity was revealed to humanity. She was disturbed
at his appearance, because she was too humble to think that an angel would ap-
pear to her with a message from on high. In addition, when Gabriel said, "Hail,
Full of Grace," he was saying, "Hail, woman free of sin." He was affirming
Mary's Immaculate state of soul.
This is the mystery where you are most likely to perceive the Eternality of God.
In this eternality, you will see yourself. This mystery of the Rosary is the corn-
er stone of the New Testament. It's where the Will of God throughout the ancient
centuries unfolds in a three dimensional feature. This is where eternity and the
fullness of time intersect.
2} The Visitation. This was when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. As soon as
Mary greeted Elizabeth, John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth's womb. This was
because John was before the presence of Christ, and in the process thereof, the
future prophet was immediately rendered into the state of sanctifying grace. This
proves the validity of infant baptism, in Biblical reference. John and Elizabeth
recognized whom Mary was carrying.
This was when Mary spoke the Magnificat, stating that "From henceforth, all
generations will call be blessed, because he who is mighty has done great
things for me, and holy is his name." This means that Marian devotion is
certainly Biblical, even though the Bible is not the only thing involved in God's
revelation to humanity. Every generation after the Ascension of Christ had in-
dividuals who honored Mary, calling her blessed. When you pray the Rosary,
therefore, you're fulfilling for the umpteenth thousandth time the Biblical pro-
phecy that all generations will call Mary blessed.
3} The Nativity of Christ. Whereas Jesus was born in the poverty of Bethlehem,
he is born in the poverty of your heart.
4} The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. This was the time when Anna the
Prophetess recognized the Messiah ... and when Simeon got to see the Messiah,
as he was promised. This was very moving and caused Mary to ponder the ex-
periences of that day in her heart. This shows that she was a reflective woman
involved in what was transpiring around her. She was no airhead, as the adher-
ents to White Trash Protestantism claim her to be, in their Satanic hatred of her.
5} The Finding of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem. After Joseph and Mary
spent three days searching for Jesus, they found that he was safe. They simul-
taneously found him amazing the doctors of the temple with his questions and
answers and understanding. This is generally understood to be a prophecy of
Christ's Resurrection. However, here's a mystery to ponder: What did he do
during those three days? Someone answered by saying, Charity Work.
In the Carmelite Tradition:
6} The Immaculate Conception. This consists in Mary being created free of the
State of Original Sin the first moment she was created, due to the foreseen mer-
its of Christ. At Lourdes, Mary called herself the Immaculate Conception. She
is this in essence, not just in name.
The Illuminative (or Luminous) Mysteries
The paradox of the Luminous Mysteries is that they transpired in earthy and ruddy
settings ... not in palatial, glittery, or lime-lighted ones.
1} The Baptism of Jesus. It was the Visitation all over again. John the Baptist re-
cognized Jesus for who he was, as he approached John, in order to be baptized.
In humility, John told Jesus that Jesus should have been the one baptizing John.
Jesus simply told John to baptize him. Upon Jesus' baptism, there occurred the
vision of the Holy Spirit descending upon Christ in the form of a dove.
Now, John's baptism was a ceremony that initiated penance. It had a strength-
ening effect, and it was the starting point for cleansing. This is why, after Je-
sus was baptized, he went immediately into the wilderness and fasted for forty
days and nights.
2} The Wedding Feast of Cana. Recount it. Put yourself there. If you do, then
you are praying. This was the site of Christ's first known miracle. It did in-
volve wine. Therefore, it's not a sin to drink wine, as a couple religions claim.
Rather, it's a mortal sin to overuse wine to the point of injuring your health. It's
interesting that Catholicism was presented by the world as a suffocating and op-
pressive religion. However, the God of Catholicism, for his first miracle, turned
water into wine. Why?
3} The Proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the multiple event mys-
tery, in that Jesus spent a number of occasions saying that the Kingdom of God
is at hand. It's here and now. In fact, Saint John the Evangelist, one of the Sons
of Thunder, once wrote, "This is Eternal Life." This meant that the spiritual
lights and Divine Presence that the early Christians absorbed into their senses
were the same ones they would encounter in the next life. The Life of Devo-
tion is the preview of the life to come. Thus, the Kingdom of God actually is
at hand, being that God is everywhere, involved in all things.
4} The Transfiguration. Jesus took three apostles with him into a private out-
door mountain area and transfigured into crystalline luminosity. Moses and
Elijah then appeared next to the crystalline Christ and started conversing with
him. What did the three say to each other?
It got to a point where Peter hid his face while in the midst of overwhelming
presences and awe-provoking sights. Jesus then leaned over, touched Peter
and said, "Do not be afraid. It's only me." The great lesson is that, no mat-
ter how hideous are your sins, do not be afraid of Jesus. He will not hurt you.
The problem is in him abandoning you, leaving you to the demons who WILL
hurt you badly.
During Easter night, Jesus appeared in the Cenacle, and the first thing that he
said was, "Do not be afraid. It's only me." This is a very important motto
of the all-powerful King of Heaven who can crush humanity instantaneously
and does not do so ... immediately after being offended, that is. God is slow
to anger.
5} The Institution of the Eucharist. Saint Anthony of Padua said that, at the
Last Supper, when Jesus took bread in his hands and broke it, he was consent-
ing to be broken in death. This is eternal heroism. This was the first Mass.
Note: The Carmelite Tradition had no sixth Luminous mystery, being that this set
of Rosary mysteries was instituted by John Paul II. Thus, they are a new
addition the Rosary. None the less, this set is very effective for meditation.
Sorrowful Mysteries
1} The Agony in the Garden. This is when Jesus said that his soul was sorrow-
ful to the point of death. This is also when he said, "Watch with me for an
hour." As if he were a lighthouse in each tabernacle, he silently communicates
to the person in front of the tabernacle, "Watch with me." After having reached
a critical stage of agony, Jesus was consoled by an angel; assumably the Arch-
angel Gabriel. Gabriel is known as the Teacher of the Nations and he doesn't
reserve his consoling to Christ. However, you first need to offer your suffering
for the conversion of poor sinners, before expecting consolation. Then, the suf-
fering will have become worthwhile.
Jesus told Faustina Kolwaska, secretary of the Divine Mercy revelations, that
the greatest cause of his agony was the knowledge that there would be a multi-
tude of lukewarm humanity who would be indifferent to his sufferings. At that
time, he was wondering why he was to suffer intensely, if mass sectors of hu-
manity were to be indifferent to his sufferings. Of course, his consolation was
those people who would embrace a life of devotion. None the less, while he
was in his agony, torches, pharisees, and the temple guard were traveling in his
2} The Scourging at the Pillar. The Romans tried to beat the kingship out of
Christ. They only brought out the helpless child, instead ... the actual Child
of God. This was an athletic event, in enduring the scouring. Thus, the lazy
are inclined to refrain from meditating on it. Meditating on this gives a per-
son a sense of honor.
3} The Crowning of Thorns. Mocking the fact that he was a king, showing sup-
eriority over him in the mocking. This kind of thing happens to Christ today.
4} The Carrying of the Cross. The actual cross had to be constructed at the site.
So, carrying all the pieces alone wasn't a probability. Thus came the involve-
ment of Simon, the visitor from Cyrene. This is where Jesus tolerated the most
gutless of cowards who boldly walked into the street, to kick him while he was
down. He was afflicted with burning wounds and cramping by the weight of the
Cross, all the while loosing his grip. The gutless cowardly chicken hawks types
wound up and kicked a person already down on the street.
Some people act so tough when beating on the defenseless. Jesus tolerated their
presences. When he met his mom on the way to Calvary, incidentally, it was a
heart shattering moment of a level of mystery to which the vain and frivolous are
5} The Crucifixion. This one is as involved as the Nativity of Christ. A lesson
is that the beginning and end of a life are packed with the most involved things.
Those dedicated to the Crucifixion see the honor in it. They also extend com-
passion toward Christ, in the grief he suffered. The Crucifixion existed in the
most intense zone in the spiritual world. It consisted in sacrificing everything
for others, while watching your own creation kill you. It simultaneously con-
sisted in knowing that the vain, frivolous, and greedy will not ever care about
what you endured for them.
For the record, Jesus does like to be consoled in his suffering and death. There-
fore, if you are a pretend Christian who says that crucifixes are evil, then you are
a person who never brought consolation to Christ.
In the Carmelite tradition:
6} Christ's Descent from the Cross, into his Mother's Arms. The Virgin Mary
didn't care how much blood was on her dress. This crucifixion was devastating
to her. She was the only mother God will ever elect to have, and she saw the cre-
ator of humanity get killed by his own creation. Christ was then laid on her lap.
She had time to reflect. Joseph of Arimathea was present, serving the function
of defender of Christ's honor. He made sure that he would get a burial. John the
Evangelist, one of the Sons of Thunder, was there, mainly because his original
teacher, John the Baptist, influenced him into standing his ground. Mone the less,
Jesus blood came from Mary. She saw it everywhere.
The Glorious Mysteries
1} The Resurrection. In this mystery, we are dealing with a re-beginning. There-
fore, like Christmas and the Crucifixion, its too involved to mention between
the parenthesis of an article.
2} The Ascension. This is another instance where the Bible ends and mystical ex-
perience begins. Did you ever wonder what was it like for the long awaited
Anointed One to take his throne in the Heaven, doing so for the first time as the
God-man? The God feature was there before. Not the divine man feature.
The interesting thing is that his last words before ascending into Heaven was
not "I will be with you always. Even till the End of the World." Before he
ascended into Heaven, Jesus told his apostles and disciples to not go out into
the world until they were clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit. Thus fol-
lowed the nine days of prayer in the Cenacle. That nine days of prayer is why
the Catholic Church uses novenas. Incidentally, 'disciple' means student.
3} The Descent of the Holy Spirit. It started with a wind you couldn't ignore.
Thus, the townspeople and pilgrims gathered. Peter, being the first Vicar of
Christ, spoke in the name of the entire church. Conversions ensured. Then
came the jealousy of the Scribes and Pharisees. Then came the killing of the
early Christians. Next came Saul of Taurus, to end this Christian sect. Then
came the light.
4} The Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Meditate on her beauty and on how
the patriarchs and angels waited for her to arrive in Heaven. Now, for those
who deny that Mary was assumed into Heaven body and soul, know that Jesus
Christ was bound to the commandment, "Honor your mother and your father."
This means that, if Jesus did not take his own mother into Heaven, he would
have been dishonoring her and sinning in the process. Thus, the Virgin Mary
was assumed into Heaven, body and soul.
Jesus was NOT going to let the body from where he came turn into insignifi-
cant insect bait and eventual dust. He was NOT going to treat his immaculate
masterpiece as a dime-a-dozen person. In fact, did you ever wonder what the
King of Heaven thinks of his own mom?
5} The Coronation of Mary. This was the ceremony where she was made
Mediatrix of all Graces ... NOT the mediatrix for the forgiveness of sin. In
fact, Mary explained her power as mediatrix to Catherine Laboure in 1830,
at Rue de Bac, in a Parisian chapel. It was necessary for a human to be the
Mediatrix of all Graces, so that the Commandment of the New and Everlast-
ing Covenant could be fulfilled. It was spoken by Christ at the Last Supper,
when he said, "Love one another as I have loved you." Mary is the master
link in this chain of love. In as much, the entire beauty of Heaven also exists
in Mary's soul.
Everyone who enters Heaven gets a coronation, though not as Queen of Heav-
en. This means that the fifth glorious mystery is pertinent to everyone who is
not going to spend eternity in Hell. Mary was given her throne, as the Holy
Trinity showered its attributes and power upon her. The Eternal Father re-
garded Mary as his "highly favored daughter." The Son of God called her
mom. The Holy Spirit cast his shadow over her, making himself her mystic
spouse, thereby making Mary his immaculate mirror image. If you don't
think that she is the Majestic Virgin Mary, think again. In fact, take time
to meditate on it, while praying the Angelic Psalter. Your eternal destiny
depends on it.
In the Carmelite Tradition
6} The Protection of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Carmel means, Garden of the
Lord, and this spiritually refers to the flowering of holiness and even eternal glory.
Now, the Carmelites attribute the founding of their order to the ancient prophet
Elijah. Thus, it is said to have gone from a devout Jewish order to a Catholic one
that professes the belief that the fulfillment of the promises given to Judea came
in the person of a humble and non-peacock-throne Messiah who was the Lion of
the Tribe of Judeavwhen it come to confronting demons and illness and even death.
Thus, it involves belief in a Messiah concerned with eternity rather than temporary
life on Earth.
A part of the Carmelite tradition is the wearing of the Carmelite scapular. Such a
thing is an extention of the Cloak of Elijah ... of the miraculour cloak. The protec-
tion of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel involves protection from demons and misfortunes
which have a permanent effect. It's protection from whatever peril you may find
yourself, be it the malice of people who try to destroy through falsehoods to natur-
al disasters to invasion to instituted injustices such as a sweatshop/slave labor
economy, and other evils. Her ability to protect equates her with a protective
wall, a quick-response emergency rescue department, a guard, etc.
Rosary-like Devotions
This would be 1} The Seven Sorrows of Mary, and 2} The Seven Sorrows and
Joys of Saint Joseph. Simply mediate on the sorrows or joys, while praying the
Angelic Saluation, aka Hail Mary.
The Seven Sorrows of Mary:
1 - The Prophecy of Simeon, during the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple,
when Simeon said that a sword of sorrow would pierce Mary's heart,
and that Jesus would be a sign contradicted, and that Jesus would be the
rise and fall of many in Israel.
2 - The Flight into Egypt, when Herod wanted the new king of the Jews dead.
3 - The Three Day Loss of a 12 Year Jesus in Jerusalem.
4 - Meeting Jesus on the Way to Calvary, while he was carrying his Cross.
5 - The Crucifixion.
6 - The Descent of Christ from the Cross, into Mary's Arms.
7 - The Burial of Jesus.
Saint Joseph's Seven Sorrows and Joys:
1 - Finding Mary with child, thinking that another man was the father, and ...
receiving in a dream news from Gabriel that Mary was carrying, by
the power of the Holy Spirit, the one who will save his people from
their sins.
2 - The Poverty in which Jesus was born, and ...
the visit of the shepherds, along with the news of the angels singing
Hosanna in the Highest in the fields of Bethlehem, after having told
the shepherds that a king was born that night.
3 - The Circumcision, and ...
hearing the name Jesus as the one officially given to the Christ Child.
4 - The prophecy of Simeon that a sword of sorrow would pierce Mary's
soul, and ...
the confirmation from the Prophetess Anna and Simeon in the Temple
that this was the Messiah, proving that Joseph was not mistaken.
5 - The Flight into Egypt, and ...
witnessing the idols there basically becoming extinct.
6 - The fear of Herod's successor, Archelaus, as Joseph returned to Israel
with Jesus and Mary, as well as ...
the joy of living in the company of Jesus and Mary, in Nazareth.
7 - The three day loss of Jesus in Jerusalem, and ...
finding Jesus in the Temple on the third day of searching for him.
If you begin praying the Rosary, and you've never done so before, you will find
that Catholicism and the Faith of Peter are far more rich and involved than you
had previously assumed. In fact, a devotion to the Rosary will lead to the exper-
ience of perceiving, without seeing anything, what can be symbolically referred
to as the Shimmer of Angels. If you do proceed with a devotion to the Rosary,
the angels will regard you with more respect than would a restaurant's maître
d'hôtel toward the holder of a gold card.