When you become devoted to Mary, she becomes devoted to you. After all, love is devotion. The Early Church Fathers recognized her as the Ark of the New & Everlasting Covenant. Since her departure from this life, men & women in all subsequent generations have called her blessed, because he who is mighty has done great things for her, and no Protestant can overrule God. To call her blessed fulfills scripture, while refusing to do so makes you a very unrecognizable stranger to Christ.
The Point in Time When the Homosexual Cabal Gained Controlling Interest of the Catholic Church
of power in that which would soon become the Sodomized Catholic Church? How
did the homosexuals get to hijack the church which literally traces itself back to the
original apostles?
The answer goes as follows:
1] As soon as Vatican II was called to order, it was immediately turned into disorder,
in that carefully prepared texts were immediately targeted for impeachment. Actu-
ally, they were targeted for being ignored. Of course, today the cardinal stationed
at the United States capital stated that he WILL IGNORE Catholic Church teach-
ing, in favor of Sodomy, even though he stated that Catholic Church teaching will
remain in tact. The cardinal stationed in Washington DC, of course, has repeated-
ly been alleged to have been a practicing Sodomite. He always has been siding
with Sodomites, and has no objection to violating Canon 915, in giving Holy
Communion to unrepentant Sodomites, including those who apostacized from
the Faith of Peter, adhering to a pagan religion in the process thereof.
In order to learn of Cardinal Donald Wuerl and to view a number of pieces of evi-
dence against him, in a number of injustices, retaliations, and cover-ups of wrong-
ful priests, see: http://www.donaldwuerl.com
2] Throughout the years while the council was in progress, seminary recruiters would
tell prospective candidates that soon the church was going to permit western rite
priests to marry. Therefore, men entered the seminary under false pretenses, as-
suming that each one would be allowed to have a wife, as priests of old, priests in
the eastern rites, and married Protestant converts who elect to pursue Holy Orders.
3] Simultaneously, a number of American men were enrolling into seminaries during
the Vietnam draft years, simply to avoid the draft.
4] Vatican II concluded without permitting Western Rite priests to marry.
5] Eventually, those who entered the seminaries under false pretenses felt cheated.
Meanwhile, the Vietnam War finally ended and President Jimmy Carter eventu-
ally granted amnesty to Vietnam era draft dodgers. During the 1970's a number
of priests asked to be relieved of their priestly vows. It had gotten to the point
where Paul VI made an appeal to all priests, stating that all priests should abide
by the following commitment, "With Christ I am nailed to the Cross." This
statement was even quoted by the Catholic press at the time. It didn't matter to
those priest who felt betrayed. The requests keep going to the Vatican.
5] Thus was the Great Egress from ministry. It left openings. Guess who filled them.