
The Christmas Message for all Generations

Whereas Jesus was born in the poverty of Bethlehem, he is born into the poverty of your heart.  And he doesn't mind.  

Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.  Okay.  But, what does it mean to be poor?  ANS: To be poor means to be constantly dependent upon God.

Mary is not a clueless airhead who stands there, saying, 'Duuuuh, do whatever he tells you.'  An inanimate road sign can perform the same mindless task.   Rather, Mary spiritually takes Jesus out of the manger and places him into your arms.  And remember, your spirit is more real than is the material realm which rusts and corrodes.

The Eternally Begotten Son of God infinitely honors his own mom.  After all, honoring your mother is a pivotal part of a commandment that Moses chiseled on to stone.  So, if you do not honor what Jesus does, then you are a complete stranger to him,  and he knows you not.   He who avoids devotion to Mary avoids Christ, himself.
As a quick lesson, Christ is defined a the "only begotten" Son of God, even though his divinity, his consciousness, and his ability to act upon his consciousness never had a beginning.  So, what does it mean to be the "eternally begotten of the Father" ???

ANS:  It means that the second person of the Trinity was always INTERACTING with the first person of the same Trinity, while the first person simultaneously accepted the second person as his own.  That is to say, the First Person of the Trinity recognized the Second Person as being in accordance with the first person's own will, own mindset, and own view about existence.  They were always on the same page, and they could always finish each other's sentences.  Therefore ...

   "having always INTERACTED with God the Father"  =  "Eternally Begotten Son of God."

So, what about the Holy Spirit?   ANS:  The Holy Spirit is the Interaction, itself.  More specifically, the Holy Spirit is the love being eternally exchanged between the Father and Son.  Within this love is the love of all virtue.  Thus, the Holy Spirit is the composite of All Virtue.  

          Now comes the definition of God the Holy Trinity 

   {1}  the infinite perfection of every virtue in existence simultaneously occurring all at once,

       {2}  and equally interacting between three distinct & identifiable persons 

           {3}  who equally share in the exact same existential essence with each other.