
$118 billion Border Bill allotted $60.6 billion to the Ukraine

Kamala Harris:  The Model of Deceit
This ungracefully aging hag is the one advertised as the new, younger generation candidate who is going to turn the page to a new generation of politics.  Well, take note of the lines, even on her rightside hand.  She is 60 years old as of Oct 20, 2024.  She was in government for the past 33 years, and she has been an officeholder for the past 20 years.  This makes her and ungracefully aging career politician and NOT the younger generation or new politicians ready to "turn the page."  Remember the hair dye and the photoshopping of her photos, and you see her deceit.

Oh, by the way, Donald Trump completely closed the border, in 2020, due to Covid. Joe & Kamala inherited a close border and all of the exec orders needed to keep it in a non-chaotic state. Kamala lied to America, yet again.  Case closed.   Now for another big lie about Kamala:

Above:  More proof that the 2024 mainstream media LIED to humanity yet again, when claiming that the ungracefully aging Kamala Harris is the "beautiful" & young face of a new generation of American politics.  This woman has been an officeholder for the past 20 consecutive years, meaning that she is a career politician & the same old same ole.  

Moreover, she was a bureaucrat for 13 years prior, beginning with her deputy DA position.  This means that Kamala was in government for the past 33 years, as a bureaucrat and then politician.  33 years does NOT translate into the word, "new" or "young."  And when the make-up is off, Kamala's face doesn't NOT translate into beautiful.  The media should have left the vanity of looks out of the campaign.  But, they had to sell this etch-a-sketch face as the New Face of Politics.  And the mainstream media had to sex her up, in order to seduce male voters.  Well, no self-respecting male voter would ever ...

Now remember, the segment below is only there, because the mainstream media keeps shoving Kamala Harris down our throats with worshipful praise of her which is mostly false.  They literally told us, "And she's beautiful, too."  Kamala is this, and Kamala is that.  It's time to bow and genuflect to Kamala.  

It even got to the point where one young reporter said in front of a camera that she felt "reverence and awe" in Kamala's presence.  What???   This is the Kamala Harris who received the LOWEST approval rating in the history of vice presidential approval ratings.  This is the Kamala Harris who was so unpopular that she had to drop out of the 2020 presidential race ... in 2019.

It gets to the point where you have to blow the whistle and toss the penalty flag.  Enough is enough.  Sometimes you have to "push back," figuratively speaking, of course.  It has gotten to the point where the media and the Harris Campaign shove Kamala in front of our faces and proverbially say, "Bow and get on one knee and worship Kamala."  They push and push and shove and shove and enough is enough.

Now that IS one ugly woman

The photo below allegedly dates back five years, to 2019.  If this is so, then, in her wrinkle-ridden Year of 2024, we have a case of very rapid aging on the part of Kamala which can only be attributed to severe stress.  This happened previously with Jimmy Carter.  He graphically aged throughout his presidency.  

This would mean that Kamala knew, all along, that things pertaining to the Biden presidency were very much wrong.  This would furthermore mean that she was faking it every time she would get in front of a camera and confidently say false things, such as "Bidenomics is working" ... and "the border is secure" ... and "Joe is as sharp as a tack" ... and "This inflation is only temporary" etc.  

None the less, the mainstream media has been trying to put every American into a hypnotic trance by which the average American will see Kamala as the most beautifully divine being on Planet Earth.  Well, if you are looking straight ahead at the photo below, that spell is now broken.  Consider yourself liberated.  Kamala Harris, without lots of make-up, is a total gross-out.
                                                                                                    Posted pursuant to 17 USC, section 107:  United States Fair Use Act

Above:  The Wicked Witch of the West Coast.  Now, keep in mind, all of ye youthful voters of America, that you will NOT be voting for a young hot babe of great artistic beauty, this November.  You will be voting for a career bureaucrat & politician of the past 33 years who personally caused your cost of living to sky-rocket, while she lived in pampered comfort.  Remember, she was the Senatorial tie-breaker on two bills that put America into a land of price hikes that did not exist while Trump was president.  

Concerning the Kamala photos herein, the last time I personally saw make-up coated onto a face so intensely, I was at a funeral home, paying my respects to the dead.  How old would Kamala look without dyed hair and without artificially straightened hair ... and without her 1970s Wintertime semi-formal pants suits?  

Look above at what a collective liar the mainstream media was in claiming Kamala to be the all-so divinely young & "beautiful"  new generations of politics.  When you are a non-athletic and a non-ascetic 60 year old, running a campaign on sexiness is like running on empty.  

Why can't a different woman ... one with morals ... be president, instead of Kamala?

There are millions of American women who don't get to be the president.  Why does Kamala get to be it?  Oh, because she slutted it up with Willie Brown and got launched into politics with two no-show jobs and a job with the San Fran City Attorney, followed by her getting endorsed for San Fran DA, by Willie Brown and Dianne Feinstein.  Include her being given the opportunity to butter-up San Francisco's most financially affluent families.  In the end, the moral woman doesn't get to be president.  Only the casting couch slut such as Kamala Harris does.

Observe the bland-to-ugly woman whom the mainstream media called beautiful, in the hopes that saying so would seduce you into voting for her.  Well, make-up, camera angles, and distance can go a long way in deceiving the people until ... you finally show your face.  The mainstream media keeps insulting the common American's intelligence.  

Without hair dye, without hair straightener, and without a professional coating of make-up ... as if to be sealing basement walls ... Kamala definitively is physically ugly.  And yes, she has lines on her forehand just like she has a road map of lines on her neck. Jowls are beginning to be prominent, too.   However, her ugliest feature is her pathological lying & her indifference toward the pain she caused millions of others.  Her shoving down America's throat baby-killing is her most ugly feature.  She doesn't come close to the true beauty stars.

        Above:  Looks like the Joker.         Above: That face looks like a balloon with too much air in it.
    Should this woman to be in charge of the Emergency Satchel, aka the Nuclear Football?

Well, the media said she was a raving beauty.  But, she looks more like a raving lunatic, when she doesn't pose with that air of smug arrogance in her face ... in her ugly face ... ugly when it's not covered with a coating of make-up that makes Kamala look like she went to an auto-body shop for treatment. 

In as much, I ... and probably you ... wouldn't even wear that face for a Halloween Fright Night Party.  After all, that's the face of a pathological liar and power-grabbing whore who gave the general and derelict greenlight to most of the 13,000 known murderers who were caught and then let go into the United States, along with most of the 15,000 sexual assault convicts.   

In addition, someone needs to report on the number of times Kamala Harris' photos were photoshopped, for news articles and propaganda purposes.  You can no longer trust the authenticity of any photo of any human.  Below:  The Kamala Harris Etch-a-Sketch neck.  Young & beautiful she is neither.  And don't forget about the hair dye.  Take away that, and the mainstream media has a problem seducing you.  

Above:  Kamala's campaign handlers had the audacity to try to make her look seductive, in order to get men so sexually aroused by her that they will run out and vote for her. She can now simultaneously present a smug face and a drooping face.  And let's face it.  Her neck looks like the topographic outline of the Pacific Ocean's sea floor trenches. 

Also Above:  Do you see what I meant when I wrote "etch-a-sketch" neck?  It was an insult to our collective intelligence that the Harris campaign and the mainstream media described Harris as the NEW generation of politics ... the NEW trend ... and the NEW FACE ... and and and "she's beautiful, too."   That's an old face @ 60 years of age, come October 20, 2024.   Inform the mainstream media that Slut Politics doesn't work after the Age 59 1/2.   BTW, Slut Politics is when a candidate tries to sexually seduce you into voting for her.  

And concerning the hateful intro of Donald Trump by a white-hating ABC racist employee:  How would that hate-filled, anti-Trump, ABC "journalist" look without her 1970s blue glow-in-the-dark disco dress that actually looked like it was made from a roll of aluminum foil Christmas gift wrapping paper?   

Kamala's Greatest Asininity, in terms of foolishness

🌎Kamala Harris' greatest asininity is that she imposed all sorts of Draconian "Climate" measures, only for it all to result in the HIGHEST LEVEL OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 IN HUMAN HISTORY, as of May 2024.

Kamala couldn't even get that task correct.  None the less, there are 63 or so Climate Discourses at the Blue Marble Album which happens to be the "Cousin Site" of this one.  Those who are absolutely certain that we are in a Climate Crisis only read trickles of literature.  Concerning this, only after you read all 63 or so of the Climate Discourses here, then you can talk to me.    Samples include:     πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒ     πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒ       πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒ

Or or or, you let me first give you ... in front of a camera ... a simple 15 question oral exam on simple Weather Theory, to prove if whether or not you are a fraud who knows nothing about Atmospheric Physics and/or Weather Theory.    

If you fail, the video goes on YouTube, for the world to see what a fraud you are.  So, is Kamala willing to do this?  A completely different person can ask her the questions.  But, it must be an oral exam with zero cheat sheets and NO teleprompter.  Or is it that Kamala fears that the world will see that she a complete fraud in yet another subject?  Oh, she is a total fraud in that particular subject, and I can easily prove it, if given the opportunity.    

By now, you can tell that she is NOT all that "black."  She did NOT even look darker that the white border guards in Arizona she met.  Kamala's father claims that she ... and he ... are part northwestern European which is very believable for a Jamaican gentleman.   And of course, publicly disclosed DNA testing can settle the argument, once and for all.

This series of photos, posted pursuant to the United States Fair Use Act ... for the education of the public ... should remind you that Kamala and her campaign staffers are nothing but deceivers, looking for the black vote, in attempting to fool you into thinking that she's as young as you and as black as a sub-Saharan African of the Sahelian Savanna ... or of the Congo ... or of Botswana, etc.  She did NOT live in stereotypical Hollywood version of black American poverty and danger.  She lived in upper-middle class settings, around really nice lawns ... even in Montreal Canada.

Kamala is now worth $8 million.  She let young women such as Laken Riley get brutally murdered, while she was well protected.  I can assure you personally that Kamala will not be intent on protecting you, either.  If she were intent on protecting Americans, Laken Riley and similar victims would never have been attacked.  

To Kamala, you are nothing more than a vote.  She couldn't care any less about you, personally, than she does now.  Those immigrants are nothing more to her than future registered democrats and future votes for Kamala.  Kamala has been in power for 44 months, now ... at the time of this writing.  She has been treated as a queen ... or an oligarch.  To her, you and I are nothing but two votes.
Think:  Age, aging, rapid aging.  The media lied to us all, about Kamala, hoping to get for Kamala the Young Vote.  She is NOT the young voice of the new generation of politics.  She's only an aging hag who lies every time she speaks.  Look at the aging hands, neck, jaw area, etc.  It makes you wonder where she parks her broom, before she gives her speeches.  It makes you wonder where she keeps where pointed witch's hat.  

Before she spent twenty consecutive years as an officeholder, Kamala was in government bureaucracy.  There, of course, were her years in Alameda County as a deputy DA ... and then a board member of California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board ... and then a board member of the Medical Assistance Commission ... and then the head of the San Francisco City Attorney's Division on Families and Children.  She even spent a bit of time in the Career Criminal Unit, which translates into prosecuting repeat offenders.  .  That's a career politician.  She was repeatedly proven to be clueless in economics, costing us all.  She was the tie-breaker vote in the Senate on two Congressional Acts which broke Americans, left and right.  Her accomplishments, in conjunction with Joe Biden, include ===>

~ $8 trillion added to the National Debt, in less than fours years' time.  ~ Prices becoming approx %20 higher than when Trump left office.  ~ Russian missiles decimating buildings and homes, in the Ukraine, with America doing no more than provoking more missiles on Ukrainian homes and infrastructure.  ~ Kangaroo Court malicious prosecutions against her political opponent, like a third world country.  ~ Cartels in control of the border that Trump completely shutdown during the Covid Pandemic.  ~ Unvetted immigrants unaccounted-for.  This includes women & children who would apparently be in need of help.

You have been receiving nothing but lies from Kamala and her handlers.  You are paying much more today than in 2017, 2018, & 2019.   You still can't afford even a humble house.  You can't afford a new car.  

Kamala has been in power for forty-four months.  Why has she done NOTHING GOOD for anyone yet?  Why doesn't she start now, doing those things she claims she will only start doing in January of 2025?  Don't be another generation suckered by lying career politicians.

As a reminder, Kamala can take TWO DNA tests, to see if she is part white, as her dad claimed long ago.  Did you see her at the southern border, in September 2024?  She looked no darker than the white men who  greeted her.  And and and, she ever-so-coincidentally is aging like a white woman ... like a white female alcoholic does, with the development of etch-a-sketch of lines in specific places on her face. 

Well, this female is also the ===>

1] ... documented whore of the married Willie Brown who granted Kamala a launch into politics.  2] ... thoroughly anti-Catholic politician who snubbed a traditional bi-partisan dinner at the Archdiocese of NYC, and who is filled with enough anti-Catholicism to start yet another persecution of the Church.  3] ... an obsessed deceiver who tried to get people to believe Donald Trump's dry humor jokes to be serious threats, so that the fear will trigger the mentally ill into attempting to assassinate Trump.  

This haughty runt, filled with self-love and hatred for anyone who doesn't bow to her, is furthermore ===>

4] ... an economics Moron who greenlighted with Joe Biden the way to sky-rocket price increases, via Demand Pull Inflation.  5] ... a LIAR who told everyone that Joe Biden is mentally sharp and fit enough to control the Nuclear Football.  6] ... the first presidential nominee to become the nominee without getting a single primary vote.   7] ... a REPEAT LIAR who blamed her economic incompetency on "price gouging grocery stores," when grocery stores have a mere 1.6% to 3% profit margin.  8] ... a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who claimed that no American military person is in a combat or war zone, when there was military action ~on the day of the Sept 10 debate, ~three days after that debate, ~and during August 2024, when the US Navy was in its worst battles since WWII, ~and throughout 2024.  Furthermore, this is the ===>

9] ... the total moron who publicly stated that America has a deep alliance with NORTH KOREA.  10] ... an incompetent diplomat who failed at securing peace in Europe, and whose intervention resulted in Russia explosively attacking the Ukraine a mere three days after her diplomatic intervention, making people assume that she said something offensive to the reps of Putin .... or something weak ... that triggered the war she could have prevented.  11] ... an actual criminal who endangered every American by her wide open border schemes, while blaming it all on the Donald Trump who completely closed the Borders in the Year 2020, thereby giving Joe & Kamala a very controlled border situation in 2021.End of Intro.
                                    Now for the subject at hand.  Kamala is an incessant liar.

Whenever the heavily photoshopped & cosmetically painted Kamala Harris speaks, she lies.  Firstly, the US Southern border was super reasonably under control when Trump left office, in 2021.  It did not become a crisis until the smug-faced Kamala, with the layer of candy-apple coating upon her smug face, was put in charge of it.  

Kamala makes it sound as if she inherited the super outrageous crisis that she personally created, with Joe Biden.   Under Trump, the border ended up ironclad closed.  Therefore, whatever would come in 2021, '22, and '23 would be entirely upon the accountability of the Biden Administration which included Candy Apple Coating Kamala.

As added note to Kamala's hypocrisy, she had a photo-op at an Arizona Wall built by Trump and condemned by her.   She originally called the Wall "Trump's Vanity" ... "a Medieval Vanity."  She was also videoed while saying in a group chant, "No deportations."  Then polling showed her to be in trouble, when it came to her handling of the border.  So, all at once, campaign staffers claimed that she changed her platform policy on the border.  It's assumed that this change was done to deceive voters into voting for Kamala, despite her & Joe's Afghan Withdrawal fiasco.

Kamala leeched off of Joe Biden's primary votes, and now she's leeching off of Donald Trump's border wall construction.  So, she was trying to make Trump's idea her idea ... Trump's construction her construction.  Well, the Biden People halted construction of the Wall and sold the remaining material.  

The sale of the wall material shows that Kamala was anti-Wall.  That which she is doing now is lying to America.  She thinks that enough Americans are stupid enough to vote for her and get her elected.  The truth is that Americans are misinformed and uninformed, because of MSNBC, ABC, etc.

The Kamala Harris Lottery of Death, where every American is now in danger

Speaking of lies, Kamala claimed that she is no stranger to prosecuting international drug traffickers.  Stop there!  Penalty flag time.  Such drug crimes are FEDERAL JURISDICTION CASES.  

At most, California was involved in co-agency cooperation cases.  Now, Kamala had a small amount of drug cases.  HOWEVER, the offense needed to be committed in her San Fran jurisdiction ... not in Mexico.  So remember, when it's border-crossing time ... or stateline-crossing time ... other reinforcement bodies get involved.  Example below:  

Kamala was seen once, walking into a room after a successful joint-effort case, where the ATF and the Border Patrol were involved with the California DOJ.  She spoke to no one as she entered the room.  She simply proceeded to walk up to a podium, where she spoke very briefly in front of cameras.  She then left the room.  For her, it was just a photo-op, for election time.

Now Kamala was NOT a Miami Vice agent busting the bad guys, with kung fu and expert marksmanship.  She was NEVER in a fire-fight with drug thugs.  She was not at stake-outs monitoring the situation.  She did not have binoculars in hand, waiting for the drugs to be delivered.  She did NOT break down doors with gun in hand, saying, "Police!  Drop your weapons and show me your hands."  

Attorney general means general manager, and in sports like baseball, the general managers are not the ones hitting the home runs and striking out a batting champ in the bottom of the eighth.  Moreover, there are 56 attorneys general in American State & Territory jurisdiction today.  If you are going to vote for Harris, because she once was an AG, then you have to vote for the present 56 AG's, along with the recently retired ones.  Therefore, you'll have to vote for dozens of presidents.

The reality is that a tree is known by its fruits.  Kamala publicly campaigned for "no-deportations" on camera, and she is not honest enough to admit it.  She let millions enter this country, including convicted murderers, according to ICE records.  She is only saying what she thinks will get her elected.  Well, she contradicted herself so many times that no self-respecting voter will vote for her.  Only white-hating black racists and male-hating females will vote for her, along with those who believed the defamations against Donald Trump that outrage people enough to want to assassinate him.  Those people's errors where that they were too lazy to check other news centers other than MSNBC and ABC, etc.

And to all you ladies who will feel "empowered," if a whore like Kamala getting elected will liberate you:  Remember that only she will be eating the lobster dinners and traveling throughout the world.  Only she will sleep in the most luxurious of hotels.  Only she will have her laundry done and her meals all prepared for her.  And only she will be protected from the convicted felons whom she let enter America.  Not you.  

BTW, ICE stands for Immigration & Customs Enforcement.  Kamala did what she could to prevent immigration laws from being enforced.  And remember, her true first day was January 20, 2021.  She has been a hideous failure and sick joke for the past 1,340+ days.

Neither Safety Nor Economic Sanity

Kamala NEITHER delivered safety to America NOR sanity to the state bank accounts thus far.  She has no intention to deliver physical safety and financial sanity in the future.  She wants illegal immigrants to be made into registered democrats who will vote for her.  Thus, to Kamala, an immigrant is a voter ... is a vote for her.  She is having the American taxpayer pay outrageously large sums of money, so that Kamala can be elected and re-elected president.

She doesn't expect these unvetted immigrant people to wait in line.  The people who respectfully applied for citizenship the proper way get overlooked by Kamala.  She and Joe opened the floodgates on Day 1.  She was then placed in charge of assessing the reason for the large number of border crossers, when the answer is super simple.  She let millions cross the line, many of which endanger us all.  

And remember, the Anti-Catholic Kamala Harris who proved herself incapable of observing the basic moral precepts of the Catholic Church received the lowest approval rating in the history of vice presidential approval ratings.  

In addition, she got ZERO VOTES in the 2024 primary season, meaning that she debated zero times and gave zero campaign speeches.  She merely leeched off of Joe Biden for the Democrat Party nomination.  She did NOT work hard for her nomination.  She didn't work at all.  She got a phone call.  Answering the phone was her most difficult task.

On Kamala's actual Day 1, Day2, Day 3, and so on, Joe Biden undid Trump's executive orders on the border.  In January of 2021, Trump was known as a "hard-liner" on the border.  Then, the documented WHORE of Willie Brown, namely Kamala Harris, claimed that Trump was lax about the border.   She again lied.  

Anyone who was in America, between 2017 and 2020 knew that Trump was diligent on all border aspects ... especially in 2020, when Covid basically shutdown the border on its own merits.  Joe and Kamala inherited a closed border.  They can blame ZERO of today's border crisis on Trump.  Yet, Kamala has the audacity to tell you that she is new in town and that she will fix something that ... that ... happened on her watch, at her behest.

Mention was made of the rejected border bill providing hundreds of more agents.  Stop there.  Their purpose would be to do nothing more than "evaluate claims."  This means that they would be hired to do paperwork and speed-up the immigrants' citizenship status, so that the immigrants can register democrat and vote for Kamala as president.

The fast-tracking would also enable a form of political gerrymandering by which the very pro-abortion Democrat Party can gain electoral votes in their predominate geographies.  Now, as far as goes the $118 BILLION border bill that Kamala Harris cited in her debate and interviews, Donald Trump was NOT in political office when it was rejected by the Speaker of the House.  Thus, Trump did NOT shut it down.  

The Speaker of the House shut down the bill, because it insulted his intelligence.  After all, $60.6 BILLION of that money was pointed in the direction of the Ukraine, and it would have allowed 5,000 immigrants to enter the United States per day, before the president could shut down the border.  

Only $20.23 billion of that $118 billion bill pointed to funding border issues by which the immigrants get to vote for Kamala, after all of the fast-tracking paperwork is done.  The goal of that bill was to make ASAP unvetted immigrants registered democrats who would vote for the Kamala Harris known for hiding from criminal court defense teams defendants' exculpatory evidence.  

It would take 5,000 border crossings per day, for seven days, to enable the president to close the border.  The irony here is that Kamala fought hard to keep in prison those who were either not guilty as charged or served their sentences, yet she welcomed criminals into the United States.  In the original proposal, the number was 3,500 border crossings per day.

The recent ICE stats that were published stated that approx 13,000 convicted murderers crossed the United States border under the Kamala Harris who once spoke with glee, on the Stephen Colbert Show, over the violent George Floyd Riots ... and who sought bail money for the criminals she praised on TV.  That is to say, 13,000 or so convicted murderers were caught at the border and then allowed to go free into the United States, under Kamala's watch and under Mayorkas' watch.

Now, all that Joe and Kamala needed to do about the Border Crisis was to reinstate the Trump border polices and exec orders that Joe Biden repealed.  Joe  Biden had the ability to close the border all along, from Day 1.  In fact, Covid had it closed, already.  The border bill would have narrowed a president's ability to close the border.  The bill was a con game.  Therefore, Kamala lied yet again, as is always expected of her.  

It seems that abortion-obsessed politicians are pathological liars.  After all, a certain Massachusetts senator claimed to have been a native American.  Yet, her known ancestors do NOT appear in any Tribal ledger or record book.  However, she made it to the top of academia and politics by means of that blatant lie.  It's blatant because that senator looks like the stereotypical white Anglo-Saxon hick with a corn-cob pipe in her mouth, sitting on a front porch rocker, with shotgun on lap, saying, "Git off my land, you revenuer."  That senator looks like she rode into Washington DC on the Hick City Express.

Of course, Joe Biden is a well known liar, going back to the 1988 presidential campaign, and in going back to his very false story on how he met Jill.  The truth is that Joe was having an affair with Jill, behind her husband's back, starting with Joe's first senatorial campaign.

You see, Jill's husband was a donor and volunteer of Joe, in Joe's first run for senator.  Plus, it was 100% proven that Joe and Jill were not married by a Catholic Priest at the U.N. or anywhere in the geographic perimeters of Holy Family Parish which is in charge of the pastorship of Catholics at the UN.  Yet, Jill claimed so.  

There is zero evidence that Jill got her needed annulment, as well.  If a woman was publicly assumed to have been married, then there is the need to prove that the marriage was an invalid one ... a pretend one ... and only the facade of a marriage.  Immaturity of Mind, simulating a marriage, the lack of consent in a shotgun wedding are defects that, when present, prevents a true marriage from having occurred in the first place.  

For Joe and Jill to have been married at the U.N. in a Catholic Church wedding, the two of them needed to have been recorded as such in Holy Family Parish records.  No record of those two ever being married exists.  

Plus, Joe was automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church for assisting in the "procuring" of those vicious acts of cold blooded murder, known as abortion-on-demand --- when the mother's life is not in danger.  In as much, every time Joe said he was Catholic, he lied.  And every time a priest gave Joe Holy Communion ... in sinful desecration of the sacrament ... that priest also committed the Sin of Cowardice, being that priests were afraid that the provenly corrupt Joe Biden would retaliate against the Catholic Church.

There's more.  All in all, Joe Biden is one of the most committed liars in US Senate history, and all that Kamala has done in this 2024 campaign was lie, lie, lie, lie, and lie again.  She even lied in her claim that demented Joe was mentally alert and as sharp as a tack.  

You must seriously consider praying in earnest that the Supreme Being ... that the Eternal God ... that the Transcendent yet Immanent One will have mercy on us and spare us from this vile and vicious liar ... this praise-giver of violence ... named Kamala Harris.  And beware of the seductive smile of the adulteress, even when the adulteress' skin is drying-out and wrinkling, as well as being hidden behind a layer of cosmetics.