
I am Kamala. We are many.

The following news is Kamala Harris' ultimate asininity, in her always blaming the border crisis on Donald Trump:   The National Border Patrol Council, otherwise known as the Border Patrol Union, unanimously ENDORSED DONALD TRUMP.  If the Border Crisis were Donald's fault, then the people working at the border would not have endorsed Trump.  Case Closed.  

In the decisive Oct 16 interview, Harris dedicated her responses to bashing Trump.  Yet, she inherited a CLOSED SOUTHERN BORDER, on January 20, 2021.  Trump closed it on March 21, 2020 ... due to COVID.  The Biden-Harris Administration then re-opened the border, on November 9th, 2021.  Kamala Harris is nothing but a liar who easily becomes unhinged and who has finally proven herself to be UNFIT TO SERVE.   BTW, Trump also closed the Canadian/US border, in March 2020.

This concurs with the fact that 91% of her staffers resigned, allegedly due to her "soul destroying" bullying.  She was accused of being lazy, too!  Below:  The Queen of Hatred.  The Queen of Lies.  Would you feel comfortable at night knowing that this former Whore of Willie Brown is in charge of the United States' Nuclear Codes & the entire US military?  
Above:  This is Kamala Harris being a mean-spirited & unhinged witch in front of a polite & soft-spoken journalist, not unlike her alleged bullying of her staff members, 91% of whom resigned.  She gets angry when she is confronted with the truth ... interrupting the truth while it's being spoken. 
Concerning Donald Trump's promise to activate the 1798 Alien Enemies Act, he promised to do so, to prevent more Laken Riley murders ... to prevent further rapes ... and to prevent condominiums from being taken-over by violent illegal alien gangs ... and to prevent elderly women from being robbed and even dragged, by illegal alien gang members.

At a recent Town Hall someone stood up ... who seemed to be a setup ... mentioning how terrified he is that Trump was going to use the 1798 Alien Enemies Act, to put him in a concentration camp, as did FDR to numerous Japanese Americans, during WWII.

Kamala answered by saying how Trump only creates fear when he speaks ... and how Kamala always always always talks hope.  STOP THERE!!!!   Kamala is a pathological liar.

When Donald Trump said that he will use the 1798 Alien Enemies Act, he made millions of civilized people across America feel RELIEF AND HOPE.   America is being over-run, because of Kamala Harris, Biden and Mayorkas.

The Biden-Harris Administration let anyone unvetted come into the United States.  And of course, the motivation for doing this is to increase the number of registered democrats ... and to increase populations in democrat areas, thereby gaining House seats for those heavily democrat regions of America ... and to balance-out heavily Republican areas with the new democrats.  This has all been done at your taxpayer expense.  Kamala did NOT pay a penny for this, even though it will benefit her the most.

One-Party America and thusly a Democrat Dictatorship, oxymoronically speaking.

The goal is to wipe off the Face of the Earth Republicans, Green Party members, Natural Law party members, Libertarian party members, etc, etc, etc.  This one-party system results in DICTATORSHIP.  It's interesting how so many dictatorships call themselves the democratic republic of ...

This attempt to make the United States an one-party nation was started by Obama, when he sent the IRS after TEA Party members.  For those too young to know this, TEA stood for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY.  Obama went after those people, being that they were basically Republicans.

Now, Kamala is going after political opponents.  As an example:  Under Joe & Kamala the FBI raided the home of a nice and civilized family of pro-life Roman Catholics.  They looked like the Brady Bunch.  The FBI treated them as the James Gang or a Sicilian crime family.

As far as goes Kamala claiming that so many people claim that Trump is unhinged and unfit to serve, 51 intell agents and intell officers lied perniciously about the Hunter Biden Laptop, in their sleight of hand way, eventually destroying their credibility.  So, expect these same people to lie about Trump.  Also expect those who were fired by Trump to also damn him and create fear of him.  

At the debate, the TV camera showed a Kamala Harris becoming unhinged.  Ironic for a candidate who calls her opponent unhinged.  Kamala is the tyrant.  Yet, she accused businessman Donald Trump of being the tyrant.  Oh, and concerning Kamala claiming that Trump promised that he will be a dictator on Day 1, observe:

After he JOKINGLY said that he'll be a dictator on Day 1, he said that, from Day 2 and onward he WILL NOT be a dictator.  In as much, the defamation committed by the Kamala Harris campaign is known as FALSE LIGHT DEFAMATION.  Donald Trump expressly said that he WILL NOT BE A DICTATOR from Day 2, onward, until the end of his presidency.  But of course, there are people trying hard to end his presidency very soon and even before it recommences.  They are doing this by LYING and by inciting ATTEMPTED MURDER, aka assassination, at the hands of someone as unhinged as Kamala Harris showed herself to be.  After all, this is ...

Kamala is the LIAR ... the Incompetent Buffoon who abandoned our allies in Afghanistan ...

... the Clueless IDIOT who is clueless to the fact that the Muslim Quran followed by HAMAS orders Muslims to fight against the Jews and to kill them all off, meaning that there will be no truce honored by HAMAS ...

... a Complete Dunce who let the atmospheric CO2 level of Planet Earth reach its highest level in human history, as of May 2024, with a 426.9 ppm level, despite the dictatorial & draconian measures she supported, in the "New Green Deal" scam ...

... an Economics & Accounting moron who broke two senatorial ties, by voting for the two Congressional Acts guaranteed to ruin the United States economy, via Demand Pull Inflation (which occurs when demand rises faster than supply) & Cost Push Inflation caused by the rise in fuel prices ...

... and she was the vice president in power during the 2023 Bank Failure Crisis.  

Then Comes the 2024 FDIC Problem Bank List, all under Kamala & Joe ... and Yellen.


Americans know how high prices have sky-rocketed throughout the Biden-HARRIS Years.  Harris the Senatorial Tie-Breaker is the one at fault.  She could have saved America from the woes it has been suffering, by voting nay.  But, she did the opposite of what is needed for Americans to stay alive.  Just ask Laken Riley.  If it will cause someone to die in America, Kamala will support it.

For example:  Harris ALLEGEDLY "buried the records" of certain molester priests in San Francisco.  Concerning the number,  keep in mind that the Archdiocese of San Francisco had to declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy, due to 500+ sexual abuse lawsuits involving priests in the San Francisco area.  In fact,  Peter Schweizer, author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite, ...

"revealed that, in addition to campaign donations from multiple law firms defending San Francisco priests against abuse claims, multiple “board members of San Francisco's Catholic archdiocese-related organizations and their family members donated another $50,950 to Harris’s campaign.” ...

... Plus, “Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic Church or Catholic organizations, but the money still came in large, unprecedented sums."

Kamala is the violent one, seeking the murder of millions and millions of human beings in the gestation period of life.  Even Bill Maher said during one of his TV shows that he thinks that  "Abortion is murder"... but he's okay with it.  At least Bill Maher is honest.  That honesty is much appreciated.  Now, back to the marketer of terror ... the Creator of Undue Fear ... the Fearmongering Kamala Harris:

Let us review:  When Trump said that he will employ the 1798 Enemy Aliens Act, he filled millions of people with hope.  Kamala fills the same people with dread.  Thus, there is a reason why the Poly-market poll presently has Trump up 23.4% over Kamala.  That's twenty-three point four percentage point over Kamala.  61.7% to 38.3%.

And remember, the Polymarket people are the ones who put their money where their mouths are.  A majority of them are so sure of Trump that they put money on a Trump election victory.

Trump gave hope ... and a sense of relief.  Kamala makes us cringe and brace for more evil, at her incompetent hands.  And remember, inflation is like flood waters.  Even if the inflation RATE decreases, the risen prices are still risen.   

Even if a rain stops, the flood waters are still at their height.  They simply don't get any higher, but you can still drown in the flood waters.  This means that you calculate total inflation, by adding all monthly inflation rate increases in a given time span.  Thus, ever since Kamala became vice president, the accumulative inflation rate has become 20.53%.  Kamala is killing us.

Go look for yourself: